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We conduct cognitive scientific studies targeting infants, toddlers, and adults to elucidate the cognitive foundations and formation processes that support human social behavior and mind. Our focus extends to various social phenomena, including but not limited to interpersonal relationships, communication, information transmission, social memory, cooperative behavior, and gender stereotypes. Below are several of the research topics.

教えるこころのはじまり | Developmental Origin of Teaching
文化伝達や社会発展が実現できるために個人間における情報共有が欠かせないものですが,私たちはどのようにして教えるようになったのでしょうか。乳幼児を対象とした実験的研究を通して情報共有の発達的起源を調べています (e.g., Meng & Hashiya, 2014; Meng, Uto et al., 2017; Meng, Murakami et al., 2019)。新聞記事1, 234,TV番組1,本1
向社会的行動の心理基盤 | Psychological Basis of Prosocial Behavior
人間は見知らぬ他者にも手を差し伸べる協力的な動物ですが,協力するこころはどのようにして形成されるのでしょうか。また,状況によってどのように変わるのでしょうか。乳幼児や大人を対象とした実験的研究を通して協力行動とその心理基盤をを調べています (e.g., Meng & Moriguchi, 2021; Miyajima & Meng, 2017)
対人記憶の認知メカニズム | Cognitive Mechanism of Social Memory
認知資源が限られるなか,私たちの社会的記憶はどのような情報を優先するのでしょうか。これまでの研究では,幼児でも良い人そうに見えるけど実は悪い人などの「ギャップのある人」についてより記憶する傾向を発見しました。社会的記憶における期待違反効果を調べています (e.g., Meng, Ishii et al., 2019; Meng, Ishii et al., 2021; Meng, Oishi et al., 2024)。記事1
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人間行動・心理に関する信念 | Beliefs of Human Behavior and Mind
人間の行動と心理は科学研究の蓄積によって解明されつつあるが,私たちが直感的に思っている人間の姿は必ずしも真実ではありません。例えば,顔らしいものを識別するなどの能力は生まれつきのものであるにもかかわらず,人々はそれを後天的に獲得されるものとして考えているようです。人間理解の客観と主観のズレを調べています (e.g., Meng et al., 2022)​記事1,
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上下関係とリーダーシップの認知 | Recognition of Hierarchical Relationships
人間社会は上下関係のある階層化社会ですが,その階層がどのようにして形成されているのでしょうか。乳幼児と成人を対象とした実験的研究を通して,上下関係やリーダーシップの認知と発達を調べています (e.g., Meng, Nakawake et al., 2019; 2021; Meng Kato et al., 2021; Amakusa, Meng et al., 2022; Meng, Ishii et al., 2023)。記事1, 2345678910
ジェンダーステレオタイプの形成 | Development of Gender Stereotypes
「青は男の子でピンクは女の子」など,私たちは性別によって特定の信念を持つことがあります。しかし,それらの信念は必ずしも事実を反映しているわけではないうえ,望ましくない行動や規範を生み出すことがあります。バイアスのかかった信念がどのようにして形成されるのでしょうか (e.g., Meng, Okanda et al., in revision; Okanda, Meng et al., 2022)


​*Correspondence 'Equal contribution

People copy success more than failure in social learning.

​*Xianwei Meng, Junichi Oish, Minori Onishi, Momoka Sakaguchi, Sota Yabushita, & Yasuhiro Kanakogi

2024, Sage Open​, 14(1). [link]


Crossmodal correspondences between visual features and tastes in preschoolers: An exploratory study.

*Xianwei Meng, *Na Chen, Junya Ishida, Katsumi Watanabe, & Taro Murakami

2023, Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1226661 [link] ​


Children attribute higher social status to people who have extraordinary capabilities.

*Xianwei Meng, Tatsunori Ishii, Kairi Sugimoto, Yo Nakawake, Yusuke Moriguchi, Yasuhiro Kanakogi,

& Katsumi Watanabe

2023, Cognition, 239 (105576) [link]


Ordinance influences individuals' perceptions towards prospects of social circumstance but not the status quo:

An experimental field study on sexual minorities issues in Japan.
*Takeru Miyajima, Yo Nakawake, Xianwei Meng, & Ryunosuke Sudo

2023, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 00, 1-12. [link]

Children’s social evaluation toward prestige-based and dominance-based powerholders.

Masahiro Amakusa, *Xianwei Meng, & Yasuhiro Kanakogi

2022, BMC research notes, 15, 180. [link]​


A cross-cultural investigation of people’s intuitive beliefs about the origins of cognition.

*'Xianwei Meng, *'Jinjing (Jenny) Wang, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro, & Shoji Itakura

2022, Frontiers in Psychology, 13:974434 [link


*Yusuke Moriguchi, Jue Wang, Chifumi Sakata, Xianwei Meng, Hiromichi Hagihara, Nozomi Yamamoto,

& Ryoichi Watanabe

2022, 発達心理学研究, 33-4, 325-331.​

Gender stereotypes about intellectual ability in Japanese children.

Mako Okanda, Xianwei Meng, Yasuhiro Kanakogi, Moe Uragami, Hiroki Yamamoto, & *Yusuke Moriguchi

2022, Scientific Reports, 12, 16748. [link]


Individual differences in children's anthropomorphic tendencies to their special objects.

*Masanori Yamaguchi, Xianwei Meng, Mikako Ishibashi, Yusuke Moriguchi, Hisashi Mitsuishi, & Shoji Itakura

2022, Cognitive Development, 63, 101224. [link]​


COVID-19 school and kindergarten closure relates to children’s social relationships:

A longitudinal study in Japan.

Hiromichi Hagihara, Nozomi Yamamoto, Xianwei Meng, Chifumi Sakata, Jue Wang, Ryoichi Watanabe,

& *Yusuke Moriguchi

2022, Scientific Reports, 12, 814. [link]


Development of synchrony-dominant expectations in observers.

*Xianwei Meng, Masaharu Kato, & Shoji Itakura

2021, Social Development, 31(2), 497-509. [link]​


Preverbal infants expect agents exhibiting counterintuitive capacities to gain access to contested resources.

*'Xianwei Meng, *'Yo Nakawake, Kazuhide Hashiya, Emily Burdett, Jonathan Jong, & *Harvey Whitehouse

2021, Scientific Reports, 11(10884). [link]

Baby’s online live database: An open platform for developmental science.

*Masaharu Kato, Hirokazu Doi, Xianwei Meng, Taro Murakami, Sachiyo Kajikawa, Takashi Otani, & Shoji Itakura

2021, Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 729302. [link]​


Family presence restrictions and telemedicine use in neonatal intensive care units during the

coronavirus disease pandemic.

*Mio Ozawa, Haruyo Sakaki, & Xianwei Meng

2021, Children, 8(7), 590. [link]​


Source memory and social exchange in young children.

*Xianwei Meng, *Tatsunori Ishii, Kairi Sugimoto, Shoji Itakura, & Katsumi Watanabe

2021, Cognitive Processing, 22, 529–537. [link]​


Neural basis for egalitarian sharing in five- to six-year-old children. 

*Xianwei Meng, & Yusuke Moriguchi

2021, Neuropsychologia, 154(107787), 1-10. [link]


Immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the socio-emotional and digital skills of Japanese children.

*Yusuke Moriguchi, Chifumi Sakata, Xianwei Meng, & Naoya Todo

2020, PsyArXiv, May 28. [link]​

Prosocial behavior is related to later executive function during early childhood: A longitudinal study. 

*Yusuke Moriguchi, Ikuko Shinohara, Naoya Todo, & Xianwei Meng

2019, European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1-13. [link].


Space and rank: Infants expect agents in higher position to be socially dominant.

*Xianwei Meng, Yo Nakawake, Hiroshi Nitta, Kazuhide Hashiya, & Yusuke Moriguchi

2019, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286(1912), 20191674. [link]


Smiling enemies: Young children better recall mean individuals who smile.

*Xianwei Meng, Tatsunori Ishii, Kairi Sugimoto, Ruiting Song, Yusuke Moriguchi, & Katsumi Watanabe

2019, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 188, 104672. [link]

Overt congruent facial reaction to dynamic emotional expressions in 9- to 10-month-old infants.

*Kazuhide Hashiya, *Xianwei Meng, Yusuke Uto, & Kana Tajiri

2019, Infant Behavior and Development, 54, 48-56. [link]​


Phonological loop affects children's interpretations of explicit but not ambiguous questions:

Research on links between working memory and referent assignment. 

*Xianwei Meng, Taro Murakami, & Kazuhide Hashiya

2017, PLoS ONE, 12(10): e0187368. [link]


Experiencing physical warmth affects implicit attitudes and altruistic behavior towards outgroup in females. 

*'Takeru Miyajima, & *'Xianwei Meng

2017, BMC research notes, 10:648. [link]​


Observing third-party attentional relationships affects infants’ gaze following: An eye-tracking study.

*Xianwei Meng, Yusuke Uto, & Kazuhide Hashiya

2017, Frontiers in Psychology, 7:2065. [link]


Pointing behavior in infants reflects the communication partner’s attentional and knowledge states:

A possible case of spontaneous informing.

*Xianwei Meng, & Kazuhide Hashiya

2014, PLoS ONE, 9(9): e107579. [link]

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